What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammation In The Knee?

What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammation In The Knee? How to Treat Inflammation in the Knee? We have compiled some information you need to know about the causes of inflammation in the knee.

What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammation In The Knee? How to Treat Inflammation in the Knee?

What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammation In The Knee
Page Content: What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammation In The Knee

Inflammation in the knee causes swelling in the knee as a result of excessive increase and accumulation of fluid in the joint. This condition is medically defined as knee joint effusion. Although joint effusion can also be seen in joints such as elbow, hand, shoulder and ankle, knee joints are most often affected. In the content of our article, you, our dear friends, can find detailed answers to the questions “causes of knee inflammation” and “how to treat knee inflammation?” So What are the symptoms of inflammation in the knee?

Every person has a small amount of fluid in their joints, known as synovial fluid. Joint fluid, that is, synovial fluid, acts as lubrication in the knee joint and reduces the friction between the bones during movement. Thus, while it enables comfortable movement, it also serves as a protective function. It meets the nutritional and oxygen needs of cartilage tissue. Joint fluid is produced as the body’s natural protective response when there is any knee injury. Normally, the amount of fluid in the joint is close to 4 ml. However, due to various reasons such as injury, arthritis or infection, excess joint fluid in the knee increases and may lead to conditions such as swelling and limitation of movement.

When fluid accumulation in the knee is caused by microbial infection, symptoms usually develop rapidly and intensely. Joint infection is known as septic arthritis. In this case, swelling in the knee joint is accompanied by fever, redness, significant tenderness, and pain that increases with movement. If the infection spreads to the bloodstream, it causes serious problems. For this reason, if you suspect septic arthritis, it is recommended to seek medical help immediately. You can find more information about the symptoms of inflammation in the knee by continuing our article.

How To Treat Inflammation In The Knee?

Symptoms Of Inflammation In The Knee

In some cases, redness and warmth in the area where the swelling occurs,
Difficulty in knee movements, limitation in movements,
Inability to put weight on the affected knee,
Feeling of stiffness in the joint,
Pain and tenderness in the knee,
Swelling around the knee cap.

Causes Of Inflammation In The Knee

cysts and tumors,
Repeated stress on the joint,
Rheumatic diseases such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis,
Ligament and tendon injuries,
Meniscus tear,

What Diseases Cause Knee Inflammation
What Diseases Cause Knee Inflammation

The most typical symptoms of inflammation in the knee are swelling, pain and limitation of movement in the knee. Especially when the affected knee meets the other knee, swelling is seen on the front of the knee, more prominently on the upper side of the kneecaps. In some cases, it may be difficult to bend and unbend the knee due to swelling. Symptoms of inflammation in the knee can vary from mild to severe. Other symptoms may also occur depending on the condition causing joint effusion.

Treatment of knee inflammation mostly depends on the underlying cause and varies from person to person. Initial treatments for joint effusion include methods such as the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, cold application to the knee, and rest. If there is severe swelling in your knee, the accumulated joint fluid can be removed with the help of a needle to reduce the pressure in the joint. This process is known as aspiration. If the cause of fluid accumulation in the knee joint is infection, antibiotic treatment and arthroscopic joint washing are applied. If you have rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune arthritis, your doctor may prescribe medication to relieve your symptoms.

Methods Applied For The Treatment Of Inflammation In The Knee

Cold application,
Drug treatment,
Joint aspiration,
Use of a knee brace or splint to stabilize the knee joint,
Corticosteroid infections to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

If treatment methods do not provide benefit, surgical treatment may be required in severe cases. In cases of severe joint damage and arthritis, the best option is knee replacement surgery. Knee arthroscopy, a closed surgery method, is performed to repair the damage that causes swelling in the knee. If a sudden-onset mirbic joint infection called septic arthritis is detected, urgent surgical intervention may be required.

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Our other recommendation link that may attract your attention; How To Prevent Fluid Accumulation In The Knee?

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