What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Fracture?

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Fracture? How is a Lumbar Fracture Treated?, How many days does it take for a lumbar fracture to heal? We have compiled some information you need to know about it.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Fracture? How is a Lumbar Fracture Treated?

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Fracture
Page Content: What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Fracture

A lumbar fracture is a type of spinal fracture. It is a condition that may occur in the event of a traumatic accident in the lower part of the spine or a heavy load on the waist. In the content of our article, you, our dear friends, can find detailed answers to the questions how many days does it take for a waist fracture to heal and how is a waist fracture treated?. So What are the symptoms of a lumbar fracture?

The most serious complications of lumbar fractures include paralysis and lifelong bedriddenness. However, these complications occur as a result of cases that are not treated immediately after the fracture occurs. Urgent intervention is required for a broken back to prevent the patient’s health condition from worsening and to ensure rapid recovery. The spine generally consists of 33 vertebrae, which are connected to each other through soft tissues and joints. Discs are also given to other structures that connect these structures. With this resulting alignment, a chain is formed, and this chain allows the body to stand upright. In general, it allows the body to move left, right, front and back.

In addition, you perform movements with your spine that are frequently used in daily life, such as bending and standing up and turning to the sides. The spine forms a support structure for your body so that you can perform these movements. The ring-shaped bone structure located at the back of the vertebrae protects the spinal cord against external impacts and other foreign factors. The lumbar region is the area where the bones at the bottom of the spine are located. However, it is located in the most active part of the body. It acts as a support and resource center for mobility. For this reason, daily living activities are greatly negatively affected as a result of damage to the waist. In this sense, back fractures can also develop into serious health problems. You can find more information about the symptoms of lumbar fracture by continuing our article.

How Is A Lumbar Fracture Treated?

Symptoms Of Lumbar Fracture

Symptoms of lumbar fractures generally vary depending on the type of trauma and the damage caused. Accordingly, symptoms may be more severe or mild. The first symptoms usually appear as muscle spasm along the back, neck pain, and pain in the lumbar region. Following these, symptoms such as numbness in the legs, difficulty in walking, urinary and fecal incontinence, and muscle weakness are observed in the later stages. When a traumatic force such as a fall or impact is applied, the bones that make up the spine may not be able to bear this pressure. However, if the compression that occurs in the bones when pressure is applied is mild, the lumbar region recovers from this trauma with little damage. The symptoms are naturally mild. However, if there is too much compression under the load on the bones, more serious consequences may occur. A back fracture can often occur as a result of a traumatic accident such as a fall, jump or impact. In addition, osteoporosis etc. It is possible for people who have bone diseases such as bone diseases or low immunity to encounter this problem as a result of heavy work.

Causes of Lumbar Fracture

Tumors occurring in the spine,
Carrying a heavy load,
Standing for long periods of time,
Falling, hitting, etc. such as traumatic injuries.

Can A Lumbar Fracture Heal On Its Own
Can A Lumbar Fracture Heal On Its Own

In the treatment of lumbar fracture, a definitive diagnosis of this disease is made as a result of detailed physical examination and clinical tests performed by the specialist doctor. Then, the muscle strength in the person’s waist area and whether there are any nerve injuries in any area are investigated. Treatment is primarily applied to relieve pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, bed rest may also be required during the process. In addition, the patient is allowed to use a waist corset. Surgical interventions are also performed for cases that do not improve with medical treatments, are paralyzed, and are severe enough to prevent them from performing daily living activities.

How To Heal A Lumbar Fracture?

Repairing fractures and ensuring spinal integrity are seen as the main goals of surgical treatments. In this way, definitive treatment prevents the disease from causing progressive conditions such as hunchback or paralysis. Apart from surgical treatments, plaster treatment is also among the other methods applied. Especially in compression fractures and soft connective tissue injuries, the problem is tried to be controlled by applying plaster. During the procedure, the fracture is fixed from the outside and this area is put in a cast so as not to put pressure on the spinal cord. The average duration of the plaster stay on the body is 3 months.

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